Bún mắm thịt heo, or Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup with pork

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Bun Mam Thit Heo, a Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup with pork, embodies the spirit of Da Nang, offering an affordable and beloved culinary experience for locals and visitors.


Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup


The main ingredients include rice vermicelli (bun), boiled or roasted pork (sometimes supplemented with boiled pig ears or fermented pork rolls), young jackfruit salad, roasted peanuts, fresh vegetables, and “mắm nêm” (fermented fish sauce).


Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup 1

The process of making Bun Mam is quite simple. First, put the rice vermicelli (Bun) on a separate plate. Then, cut the roasted or boiled pork into small pieces and set it aside. As for the fresh vegetables, you’ll need lettuce, cucumber, and various herbs. Crush the roasted peanuts lightly. Boil the young jackfruit until it’s tender, then finely chop it and mix it with the right amount of seasoning. To prepare the mam nem, remove fish residues and mix in chili, garlic, sugar, lemon, and finely chopped pineapple to achieve a sweet and tangy flavor. Finally, make a chili paste by grinding and frying ripe red chilies with peanut oil, garlic, and sugar for a spicy yet slightly sweet addition.


Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup 2

To enjoy the fantastic flavors of Bún mắm thịt heo, or Vietnamese fermented fish noodle soup with pork, start by layering fresh vegetables and jackfruit salad in a bowl, followed by savory roasted (or boiled) pork. For an extra kick, consider adding pig ears or fermented pork rolls. Sprinkle with roasted peanuts, add chili paste, and drizzle the tantalizing “mắm nêm” over the mix. Once everything is mixed, you’ll have an incredibly delicious bowl of Bun Mam. And for those who love spicy food, people from Quang Nam often enjoy it with whole green chilies, creating an explosion of flavors with every crunchy bite.


1. Da Nang City Science and Technology Project 2011, Study on Culinary Specialties for Tourism Development in Da Nang City.


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