The esteemed Indian family has selected Da Nang City as the distinguished wedding venue for their beloved couple, Kashmira and Inderdeep. The wedding ceremony, which will take place from January 19th to 21st, 2024, will be attended by approximately 500 esteemed guests, servers, and more than one ton of exquisite materials, costumes, and props, which will be shipped from India to Da Nang to create the most splendid atmosphere for the occasion.
To ensure a seamless and welcoming experience, the Department of Tourism in Da Nang City has proposed the City People’s Committee approve the pilot program for attracting wedding tourists to Da Nang. The department is also collaborating with various units to warmly welcome the first Indian wedding delegation to Da Nang in 2024. The department is cooperating with Da Nang International Terminal Investment and Exploitation Joint Stock Company – AHT to project wedding welcome messages on LED screens at the immigration area and coordinating with the authorities at Da Nang International Airport to facilitate the swift clearance of goods and luggage for the wedding ceremony. Moreover, the Department of Tourism of Da Nang City presented flowers, souvenirs, and warm blessings from Da Nang City to the family of the bride, Kashmira, and groom, Inderdeep. The guests participating in the wedding ceremony were also greeted with the melodious tunes of traditional Vietnamese musical instruments, which delighted their senses.
Mr. David Ippersiel, the General Manager of Sheraton Grand Da Nang Resort and Convention Center, believes that the Indian market values stringent requirements for facilities and professional event services when organizing large-scale wedding events. In addition, the destination’s novelty and reputation play a crucial role in the family’s decision-making process regarding choosing a wedding event venue. Although the Indian to Da Nang route is currently suspended, couples can still opt to connect flights through destinations such as Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai An, the Deputy Director of Da Nang Department of Tourism, has announced that the Department of Tourism of Da Nang City is working closely with stakeholders to prepare content and resources for a pilot program to attract regular wedding tourists to Da Nang. The Department of Tourism will proactively implement promotion activities and focus on wedding tourism in the Indian market in 2024. This will include participating in the SATTE India Fair and inviting Indian wedding planners to survey and experience wedding tourism infrastructure in Da Nang.
Based on the information collected from various hotels, it has been projected that Da Nang City will be hosting five more wedding events for Indian couples within the upcoming months. These events are expected to have banquet capacities ranging from 200 to 350 guests and will span 3-5 days, featuring multiple small and large wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, hotels have also received a considerable number of wedding bookings from couples originating from Japan and several other countries. These optimistic developments in Da Nang’s wedding tourism industry have reinforced the city government’s strategic investment in this relatively new market in Vietnam.