Danang is a beautiful place however, of trash gathers on our coastal land every year. The garbage is comprised of plastic bottles, plastic bags, packaging, food wrappers and cigarette butts, fishing trash – detracting from the natural beauty of the shore and harming wildlife. Danang Cleanup is an event series initiated by Evergreen Labs that aims to encourage people to engage in environmental issues, to raise awareness about pollution, waste problems and to encourage changes in behaviour. Last year, Evergreen Labs hosted four successful cleanup events on different beaches in Danang. In total, our events had about 870 participants joining hands in collecting over 630 trash bags in equivalence with approximately 4.3 tonnes of trash.
This year, in order to start this meaningful cleanup series, Evergreen Labs will organize our 3rd Danang Cleanup on April 2nd at 3pm.The cleanup will be located at Xuan Thieu beach area, where there is a lot of trash from the ocean, fishing boats and construction. Please join us on this day to give back to the community, make Danang cleaner & greener and spread the word about environmental and ocean conservation.
- 14:00 Setup and preparation (organizer team)
- 14:30 18:00 Opening of education desk (open for entire event)
- 15:00 15:30 Registration and distribution of clean up equipment
- 15:30 17:30 Start of beach cleanup
- 17:00 18:00 Hand out of participant certificates
- 17:00 18:00 Organized beach games, food, music and beach time
- 18:00 Trash count and pick up

Evergreen Labs is a Danangbased company focused on developing social and environmental projects into sustainable businesses for long lasting positive impact. As a part of our mission, we not only aim to build sustainable companies but also want to give back to the community and environment. We do this through various channels and impact events including our cleanups.
For more information:
Evergreen labs website: https://www.evergreenlabs.org
3rd Danang cleanup facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1871155193125372/