

During the journey, the visitors need to keep in touch with their family and to work from distance, especially for long trips. Danang Center For Tourism Promotion will present the way to make international phone calls while traveling to save money.

The internet and wifi are indispensable to the tourists. Therefore, Da Nang city has built a Wireless network which serve up to 20.000 connections at the same time to satisfy the need of tourist coming to Da Nang.

[wptab name=”Using Phone”]

Dialing instructions for cell phone in Da Nang

– Domestic calls :  0 + Area code + Phone number

– International calls : 00 + Country code + Area code + Phone number

– Use the services of 171, 177, 178, 179 to get lower costs.
Notes: Foreign visitors can buy sim card at these places:
– Agribank (Agriculture and Rural Development bank), Vietcombank, Eximbank at Arrival Terminal of Da Nang International Airport.

– Buy mobile cards for telephone box at post offices

– Buy prepaid cards for the services 1717,1788,1799 (the cost is lower than the direct call). How to call : 1717(or 1788 or 1799) + Code on the card + Country code + Area code + Number.

Other services

– Dial 1080 : To get answer by operators

– Call 1088 : To connect with counsellors

– Call 801100 : Auto responder
List of Viettel transaction stores in Da Nang

Stores Address Province/City Tel
Store 40 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai st 40 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6251151
Store 738 Dien Bien Phu st 738 Dien Bien Phu st, Thanh Khe district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6535363
Store 389 Ngo Quyen st 389 Ngo Quyen st, Son Tradistrict,Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6285178
Store 226 Ngu Hanh Son st 226 Ngu Hanh Son st, Ngu Hanh Son district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6260098

List of Mobiphone transaction stores in Da Nang

Stores Address Province/City Tel
Gia BaoCo., Ltd. 300 Ong Ich Khiem st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6251151
GPT Transport services Co., Ltd. 83 Tran Quoc Toan st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6535363
Nhu Ngoc Trading service Co., Ltd 38 LeDinh Duong st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6285178
Western Investment & Development Telecom JSC 25 Nguyen Van Linh st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6260098
Da Nang post office 01 Le Duan st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6260098
A Telecom Manufacture Trading Import Export Co., Ltd. 197 Hung Vuong st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6260098
Nam AnTelecom Co., Ltd. 44 Hoang Dieu st, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city Da Nang 0511.6260098

List of Vinaphone transaction stores in Da Nang

Address City Tel
04 Nguyen Van Linh st Da Nang city 0511.3837999
679 Ton Duc Thang st Da Nang city 0511.3735809


[wptab name=”Wifi”]

How to connect to Da Nang Wifi

You can enable WiFi on your device, the smartphone/tablet/laptop will give you a notice: “Welcome to demo system of Da Nang WiFi “, you will be provided some terms of use. After clicking “Agree”, the user will be given an ID and Password which are not allowed to edit and there is a note below : “You have 20 minutes to access the network.” Next, click “Login” and you can use the ” free WiFi” in 20 minutes.
Update: after 20 minutes, you need to get back to the first step for the next use.

Postal service
Post offices and mailboxes are put at visible places in the city and you can find stamps at any convenience stores. More information about postage rates here.

Danang Post Office

Headquarter: 01 Le Duan st – Hai Chau dist – Da Nang city

Tax Code: 0400594679


Tel: 0511.3817.512 – 0511.3600888 – Fax: 0511.3817.837


Headquarter: 251 Nguyen Van Linh st – Thanh Khe dist – Da Nang city

Tel: 0511.3652.334

Headquarter: 138 Nguyen Luong Bang st, Lien Chieu dist, Da Nang city

Tel: 0511.3732630

Headquarter: 04 Tran Quang Dieu st – Son Tra dist – Da Nang city

Tel: 0511.3950686

Headquarter: 296 Cach Mang Thang 8 st – Hoa Tho Dong ward – Cam Le dist – Da Nang city

Tel: 0511.3673234

Headquarter:  Hoa Tho Tay ward, Cam Le dist

Tel: 0511.3692272



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