In Da Nang, the Co Tu ethnic group mainly lives in Ta Lang, Trun Bi (Hoa Bac commune) and Phu Tuc villages (Hoa Phu commune). In which, there are over 250 Co Tu households in Ta Lang and Trun Bi villages.
For Co Tu people, Guol (stilt house) is a communal house which is not only a sacred space, but also considered the soul of the village. The common house clearly showcase the talent of folk artisans and the multidimensional cultural values of the Co Tu people.
The “Tung tung da zá” dance or the dance of offering to the heaven has been closely reflected the spiritual aspiration of the Co Tu people for many years. The movements in the “Tung tung da zá” dance simulate daily routines of the Co Tu people such as harvesting, catching fish, hunting animals and festivals …
The “Tung tung da zá” dance is often performed in community events, festive occasions, Buffaloes stabbing, harvert fests, building villages, building Guol houses, twinning ceremonies between village,…. as a way for Co Tu people to connect the earth with the universe, the ancestors, gods and expressing respect and gratitude to the the village land reclaimer and the village founder.