Vincom Shopping Center

0 8,462

910A, Ngo Quyen Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City
Open time: Every day
Visit duration: 01h:00
Price: 01 USD

Why is Vincom Shopping Center special ?

Vincom Center Danang is a business center and the largest entertainment complex in “Danang and Central World Trade Center” project which lies on Ngo Quyen Street. The 40,000-square-metre centre includes a basement and four floors with fashion stores, supermarkets, home appliance, furniture, book and stationary and a food court. The highlights of the complex include a 30-millimetre ice rink and a 3,000-square-metre education-entertainment centre for kids. Vincom center also includes VinPro, its electronic and home appliances store, and the VinMart supermarket in the central resort city with a range of promotional programmes. Together with VinPro, VinMart Da Nang is the 15th supermarket run by Vingroup throughout the country and its opening reaffirms the company’s commitment to expanding its presence in the central region, offering the best products in terms of quality and origin.

What to explore at Vincom Shopping Center?

Covering a site of more than 40,000 square metres at the eastern end of the Han River Bridge, the 4-storey, plus 1-basement level, centre has a retail area for such well-known domestic and international brand-names as Adidas, Ecco,Gurkha, Bata, Valentino Creations, Giordano, Emigo and PNJ. The shopping mall and entertainment centre also includes a food court, the VinMart supermarket, the international-standard CGV cinema, the VinKE Education-Entertainment Centre for kids, and the Vinpearl Land Ice Rink which features a 30mm-thick natural ice rink.

How to get to Vincom Shopping Center?

The best way to visit Vincom Center Danang is hail a taxi or motorbike taxi (xe om). You can also take bus route Danang – Tamky which alight at 130 Dien Bien Phu Street. Walk to 135 Dien Bien Phu Street to take bus route Danang – Hoian. You will stop at 05 Le Duan Street. Continue walking along Han River Bridge you will reach Vincom Center.


Good mix of medium to higher level storesPlace to hangout with free wife and air-conVery easy access, nice ambienceGreat shopping centre with international brandsGood food court and variety of shops

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